Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 29, 2009

Biophysical Ultrasound Update...

We had another ultrasound and baby passed with flying colors in about 15 minutes. Some babies take up to 30 minutes to go through all of the tests. They continue to look for each arm and leg to move and for fetal breathing. We are doing great! We also got some new photos of the baby's face. It is amazing to see how much he/she has changed in such a short amount of time. The baby's tongue was going crazy while we were watching.

The baby is now back in it's favorite position, like a pike diver. Its head and feet are up near my ribs and bottom is down by my pelvis. I think this baby might have an inkling into my fears of labor, hence, staying breech and requiring a c-section. We have not scheduled a c-section yet, but will find out more next week on Monday. The ultrasound next week will also give us more information about the baby's weight and length.

No major changes to report. We lost our second daycare provider. This process is becoming a little too much for us. We think we have things lined up and then WHAM! we are back at the beginning. Wayne is priming the basement as I update. He really does not like painting, as he reminds me each time I check on him. He is doing a great job though! We should have painted walls this week. Nothing like waiting for the last minute.
I am feeling good for the most part, enjoying the cooler weather! I am probably the only Minnesotan enjoying the winds and 70 degree temps. It beats the 90 degree temps last week. I get to go outside and not swell up like a sausage! Someone told me early in my pregnancy to buy a small batman pool (why batman, I don't know) and sit in the backyard. I thought they were crazy at the time. Now, the neighbors kiddie pool isn't looking too bad! Would they know I used it while they are at work?

Here are pictures from our ultrasound:

1. Profile picture of face

2. Looking directly at baby's face. You can see the cleft lip on the left side of the face.

3. The bottom of baby's foot and the other foot is underneath.

4. Another face picture with a hand up my the nose. "Enough pictures of me already!"

Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 24, 2009

I have been getting some harassing phone calls and emails in regards to my lack of updating lately, my deepest apologies.

We had a doctor appointment on Monday, June 15, which I did not write about. We arrived at the clinic for another biophysical ultrasound and then to meet with the doctor. Last week, we ended up waiting for over two hours to see the doctor after our ultrasound. We were a bit unnerved to learn at 9:30 in the morning (appointments start at 8:00 in an OB/GYN clinic, not family practice), the doctor was already running late. We decided we were not going to wait this time, so left. The only information we received from this appointment was from the ultrasound tech. The amniotic fluid looks good and baby passed all movement tests in about 15 minutes. I am surprised it took that long, as this baby is a mover and shaker! I hope he/she gets my dance moves and not Wayne's.

On Wednesday, June 24, we went in for our weekly biophysical ultrasound....again. We switched doctors for this one as the head of North Memorial scheduling called and apologized for our previous two visits. Everyone was on schedule this time! The ultrasound went great. Baby passed all movement tests in about 10 minutes. The ultrasound tech thanked us for our efficiency. We also learned that the baby has moved from a pike position to feet down and head up. Wayne and I thought this was progress, that the baby had moved to a new position. Not a great position, but a new position none the less. However, when we met with Dr. Martini she was quick to point out that this was a worse position than before. She said we will decide in the next weeks if a scheduled c-section is up our alley. Other than positioning, everything looks great.

I think I have begun my nesting phase, as I am cleaning and organizing. Or maybe it is going stir crazy being in the house because it is too hot for this body outside. Or maybe it is because we still have a baby room that needs: paint, doors, trim, window casing, closet fixtures, furniture, etc. Or maybe it is because my house is a disaster and I am now up off the couch long enough to do something about it. Any of these are viable possibilities. No comments from the peanut gallery please!

Thank you for the emails and phone calls, although I poke fun at you, I sure appreciate the thoughts and prayers. Our next appointment is Monday and PROMISE to update after that appointment.

Have a great weekend/week!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 9, 2009

Today, we had our final ultrasound at the Perinatal Center at North Memorial in Robbinsdale. We learned the heart, brain, lungs, and kidneys are working well. We also learned that Baby Smith weighs 5 pounds right now, putting it 12 days ahead of where it is supposed to be. I declared this should mean I get to deliver early, the doctor clarified that this means our baby is in the 95% percentile for weight. In English, what does this mean...BIG BABY!!! However, this does mean that our baby is growing and developing on its own just fine, which is great news. We got to see the bladder full of fluid, which is also a good thing. Baby is swallowing amniotic fluid and its kidneys are functioning properly. The swallowing piece is huge with the baby's cleft lip and palate.

They were unable to determine if the cleft lip remains to be unilateral or if it may be bilateral. Bilateral means both sides would be affected. With the baby's position, it was too difficult for the ultrasound technician or doctor to determine. Upon leaving the parking ramp, we learned you must have cash to pay. We did not have cash, but rummaged just about enough change to pay. We came up $1.00 short and the parking attendant still left us leave. Moral of the story: Parking attendants aren't so bad.

We took a tour of the hospital during our fourth child birth class. There is a different room for each stage of labor. I hope we don't get lost! We also saw a c-section video. I say, enough videos. They tend to scar me for weeks. For those of you who have given birth already, I applaud you. I am feeling a little leery about this whole process.

Our next ultrasound is on Monday, June 15 and child birth class is Tuesday, June 16.
Thank you to everyone who has been praying for our family. We appreciate it!
32 weeks and counting.

Monday, June 8, 2009

June 8, 2009

We had our first biophysical ultrasound today at Oakdale OB/GYN in Maple Grove. Our baby was given its first test. Baby received points for showing fetal breathing and moving arms and legs seperately. We are pleased to report he/she passed with flying colors. They also measured the amniotic fluid, which was in the low-average range. We go back next Monday for another biophysical ultrasound and have to meet with the doctor to watch the amniotic fluid. The doctor also measured the baby's heart rate, which is 154. Boy or Girl??? The doctor said the old wives tales are hogwash!

We go tomorrow for a Level 2 ultrasound at the Perinatal Center at North Memorial Hospital in Robbinsdale. We also have our fourth child birth class.