Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13, 2009

Good Evening!

We had another doctor appointment today. It began with an ultrasound (as usual) and everything looks great, expect baby's position. Baby remains breech with feet down today, rather than up by its head. We scheduled our c-section today for July 27 to take place at North Memorial Hospital in Robbinsdale. We will be in the hospital for 3 days barring any major problems. With our luck, we should probably pack for a month.... There still is a possibility of going early....although we are not ready/prepared for that.

Not much else to report. I threw my back out this weekend moving stuff. I know, I know, sit with your feet up. Well, I learned my lesson because now I am bound to the couch with a heating pad.

We continue to work on the baby's room and clean the house for the final time until baby is 18 years old! :) Just teasing...kind of.

We will make phone calls after baby is born to inform everyone. We have one more doctor appointment next week on Wednesday and will update after that. Now, to play more of the waiting game.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 6, 2009

36 Week Ultrasound Update

Yesterday, we had our 36 week check-up (yes, that means 4 weeks left! Ahhhh!). We met with our favorite doctor from the Oakdale OB/GYN group, Dr. Sarkinen. She lives in St. Michael, about a mile up the road from us. She was a breath of fresh air, compared to who we have seen the last couple of weeks.

During the ultrasound, they looked for biophysical movement (again) and took measurements. Baby passed the movement tests again, 100% so far on these tests. I tried to remember the measurements, but she went kind of fast. Here is what I remember: head is approx. 9 cm. (approaching a dangerous measurement!!! I don't want anything over 10!!!) and weight is approx. 7 lbs. (also approaching dangerous). Don't panic, I don't mean dangerous as if something is wrong, just dangerous to MY body on the exit of this precious little one. Wayne keeps telling me the bigger the better, easy for him to say sitting in a comfy chair on the sidelines! However, he is right, the bigger the better for upcoming surgeries. (I hate it when he's right AND I have to admit it.)

Baby is still breech. We did not learn about a c-section yet. We'll keep you posted. Everything looked good and if baby can wait until the last week in July, Dr. Sarkinen will be able to deliver. We go back next week on Monday for another ultrasound and doctor visit with Dr. Sarkinen.
Only one photo to share today. This is a profile of baby.

Have a fabulous week!