Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13, 2009

Good Evening!

We had another doctor appointment today. It began with an ultrasound (as usual) and everything looks great, expect baby's position. Baby remains breech with feet down today, rather than up by its head. We scheduled our c-section today for July 27 to take place at North Memorial Hospital in Robbinsdale. We will be in the hospital for 3 days barring any major problems. With our luck, we should probably pack for a month.... There still is a possibility of going early....although we are not ready/prepared for that.

Not much else to report. I threw my back out this weekend moving stuff. I know, I know, sit with your feet up. Well, I learned my lesson because now I am bound to the couch with a heating pad.

We continue to work on the baby's room and clean the house for the final time until baby is 18 years old! :) Just teasing...kind of.

We will make phone calls after baby is born to inform everyone. We have one more doctor appointment next week on Wednesday and will update after that. Now, to play more of the waiting game.


  1. This is Beverly. Wanted to message you saying I have been thinking about you, and hope all goes well next week. Good luck! And post pictures!!!!

  2. Hey lady!!!

    I would imagine at this moment you're both anxious and scared all in one!!! I'm praying for you---that the delivery is smooth and you have an easy recovery; that baby Smith is a "good" little one and that you all have time just for you to get to know one another!!! God has blessed this little one with the perfect parents he/she will need. Can't wait to read an update next week so I know whether to buy pink or blue!!! Praying!!!

    Love, Chris

  3. Hi, I laughed when I read about the size of the baby. You'll be fine, and make great parents! I'm very excited for you. Babies are great. I can't wait to see pictures. Take care, LOVE YA,

  4. Mrs. Smith, Erin is so excited for you and your new adventure with the baby. She wanted to know if it is a boy or a girl and what name you have picked out for the baby. She hopes you are both doing good.
    Boy or a girl, this baby is so blessed to have such wonderful, caring, strong and loving parents like you.
    Erin was just a student and she (and us) were blessed enough to have you as her teacher. Alex is bummed that he doesn't have you for a teacher this coming year.
    She hopes to see you and the baby soon- as do I.
    You are in our thoughts and prayers.

    The Gilbert Family
