Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans, & Bananas

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!

The Smith Family is hoping for a Colts win.

Kassidy had her 6 month check-up on Thursday. She is 25.5 inches tall and weighs 14 pounds and 3.5 ounces. (just in case you wanted precise measurements!) She also had four shots, we have to go back in four weeks to finish up with them. She is a trooper when it comes to shots, screams like crazy for about 10 minutes. Then, back to smiling. We go back to Gillette March 9 to see when her next surgery will be scheduled, probably April. We are hoping they will hold off until June, as I don't have any more sick days to use. They base the surgeries on her development, so we'll see what they tell us.

We also found out in November that her hip joints are not aligning properly. Kassidy has been sleeping in a brace to help with this. Because she was breech for so long, her hips weren't able to form right. We are hoping for a good report in March, we don't want her to have to go through another surgery for them.

The weeks seem to be flying by. This past week was a busy one, Shannon had parent/teacher conferences Monday night and is tutoring Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Wayne doesn't get home from work until around 6:30/7:00, so our evening are jammed packed with family time.

Kassidy's first snow experience. Daddy made her a snow chair and she made her first snow angel.

The whole family sledding at Christmas time. Here we are after the Christmas Eve service at church.

She loves hanging out on her tummy. She's almost ready to be sitting by herself.

We started the baby food regimen. She started with sweet potatoes, loved them! Then, some green beans, also enjoyed. We added bananas too! She is also eating oatmeal cereal. Such a big girl!

She loves her toy doll and looking cute in her Down vest.

Daddy brought home some of his ice fishing catch. Here is Kassidy's first experience with a fish. She wasn't quite sure what to think, maybe it was "Daddy, why is this fish so little?"

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Smith's Are Back!!!

January 31, 2010

Whoa! October 3rd! Nice of me to send out Christmas cards saying to keep track of us, and then, well.......not update it! Sorry!
So, here we go! Our little monster is 6 months old now! We can hardly believe it. She is rolling over (one direction) like crazy and almost sitting by herself. Kassidy loves her exersaucer. She spends 30 - 45 minutes entertaining herself. It's the only way we can get anything done around here. The swing is just about old news, although, mom and dad are reluctant to take it down. She loves books and is feeling everything. What she isn't trying to feel, she is putting in her mouth to taste.

Speaking of tasting. We have been giving her graham crackers as a "keep quiet" treat. They are quite messy, but she loves them. Her first try of sweet potatoes went great. She also loves rice and oatmeal cereal. It still comes out her nose, as her palate is still open. It makes feeding her fun and messy!

Here are some quick highlights and pictures for the months I missed.
Baptized October 11
Lip/Nose Surgery October 19
Shannon went back to work Ocotber 29
Kassidy's First Halloween October 31

Baptism Sponsors: Mike & Stacy Steffensen & Aaron Moerke

Grandpa & Grandma Dammer......Grandpa & Grandma Smith.....Grandpa & Grandma Sandbo

Getting Ready for Surgery.....After Surgery with Mom.....After Surgery with Dad

No More Hole in My Lip.....Going Home with My No-No's On (keeps my hands from hitting my face. We had to take them off every couple of hours to stretch her arms. She hated the No-No's)

I was a cute pumpkin, but I didn't like it one bit! I was much happier out of my costume! My friend Whitney came over, she was a cute giraffe.

Started Rolling
Stayed In Hanover for Thanksgiving
No More Colic! Yeah!!!

One of my first rolls in action! Hanging out under my mobile. I love this thing!

Hanging out in my landry basket. Oh, she's drooling like crazy too!

I found my toes, love them!
Tubes in ears are great! I can hear my voice too!
First Christmas

Grandpa & Grandma Dammer bought me my high chair. I love playing in it!

Cooking with Daddy! I have turned into such a happy baby!

Taking a family picture sure is a lot of fun! It's hard to get all four of us looking and smiling at the same time!

After bath time, the robe is a huge hit! Yup, I'm reading already! I'm advanced.

My pretty Christmas dress from Aunt Stacie and cousin Alayna. I really liked to suck on the bow in front.

We went to Cabelas to see Santa. I didn't hate it, but I didn't know what to think either. Good thing mom and dad weren't too far away.
Disclaimer...I need to finish uploading Christmas pictures. My goal is to post every weekend from now on. Don't hold your breath though! Thanks for following the Smith family. We are doing well and enjoying Miss Kassidy.